DiscoverLearn English with Bob the CanadianLearn the English Phrases "to make do" and "to make a living"
Learn the English Phrases "to make do" and "to make a living"

Learn the English Phrases "to make do" and "to make a living"

Update: 2024-09-201


Read along to practice your English and to learn the phrases "to make do" and "to make a living"

In this English lesson, I wanted to help you learn the English phrase to make do. Sorry, I forgot to put the to here. When you make do, it means you do the best you can with what you have. This shirt doesn't have a pocket and I like to put my microphone on the pocket. So I just had to make do and I stuck the microphone up here on the brim of my hat. Sometimes in the morning, if you are a coffee drinker, maybe you like cream in your coffee and all you have is milk. So you might have to make do and put a little bit of sugar and a little bit of milk in your coffee instead of putting in some yummy cream. So when you make do, it means you do the best with what you have.


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The other phrase I wanted to teach you today is the phrase to make a living. I forgot the to here as well. I'm getting a little sloppy, aren't I? When you make a good living or when you make a living, it means you earn enough money to live to pay your bills. When I go to work every day, I do that because I need to make a living. I need to earn money so that I can pay my mortgage and pay my for gas and groceries and all of those other things.

So to review, when you need to make do, you do the best you can with what you have. Maybe you can't afford to take an English class. So you make do by watching a lot of YouTube videos which are free, by the way, which is awesome. I love it that YouTube videos are free. And when you make a living, it means you have a job, you get a paycheck, you get paid for doing that job, and you can use that money to pay for all the things around you.

But hey, let's look at a comment from a previous video. This is from Will. So in the last video, Will is referring to this. At 1 minute, 13 seconds, a cute squirrel is crossing the street against the backdrop and my response, look at him go. So if you go to the last video at that point in the video, you will see that. Thanks Will for that comment. So uh, yes, squirrel. Sometimes squirrels are in the video because they want to help you pronounce squirrel.

Um, I wanted to show you the dogs right now. Jen has left for market. I will be leaving for market shortly. I have to wait for, uh, one of my kids to get home with the other van. But this is what the dogs do when Jen goes to market, they are sad. They simply sit by the house and they wait for her to come home. They will go with me to do certain chores. If I have to go feed the chickens or something before I leave or do something out in the field, they will come with me. But as I've mentioned before, they are very much Jen's dogs.

In fact, someone asked, I think Lolly Lolly asked in a live stream a couple weeks ago, where are the dogs? And I responded by saying, well, if you watch Jen's YouTube channel, I'll put a link up here. Most of you know about it. You'll see the dogs a lot. You'll see that they do indeed stick with her all the time. I'm like, oh, here's a good use of make do. When Jen's not here, they, they make do by hanging out with me. I'm not the alpha dog. I'm like, second in command, I guess, of in the dog kingdom.

So anyways, it's a Thursday. It is Thursday afternoon. I'm done work for the day and I'm home. I just helped Jen load the van. Now I have to wait for my kids to finish their school day. And then when they come home, I will take some more flowers in the second van and go to market and join Jen there. It's not ideal, but we have to make do. We don't want to buy a third vehicle because we don't really need three. You know, two works at this time of

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Learn the English Phrases "to make do" and "to make a living"

Learn the English Phrases "to make do" and "to make a living"

Bob the Canadian